Fills missing values in selected columns using the next or previous entry.

fill(.data, ..., direction = "down")

shift_fill(x, direction = "down")



A data.table


A selection of columns.


Direction in which to fill missing values. Currently either "down" (the default), "up".


A vector.


A filled data.table


fill is filling data.table's columns, shift_fill is filling any vectors.


df <- data.table(Month = 1:12, Year = c(2000, rep(NA, 10),2001)) df
#> Month Year #> <int> <num> #> 1: 1 2000 #> 2: 2 NA #> 3: 3 NA #> 4: 4 NA #> 5: 5 NA #> 6: 6 NA #> 7: 7 NA #> 8: 8 NA #> 9: 9 NA #> 10: 10 NA #> 11: 11 NA #> 12: 12 2001
df %>% fill(Year)
#> Month Year #> <int> <num> #> 1: 1 2000 #> 2: 2 2000 #> 3: 3 2000 #> 4: 4 2000 #> 5: 5 2000 #> 6: 6 2000 #> 7: 7 2000 #> 8: 8 2000 #> 9: 9 2000 #> 10: 10 2000 #> 11: 11 2000 #> 12: 12 2001
df <- data.table(Month = 1:12, Year = c(2000, rep(NA, 10),2001)) df %>% fill(Year,direction = "up")
#> Month Year #> <int> <num> #> 1: 1 2000 #> 2: 2 2001 #> 3: 3 2001 #> 4: 4 2001 #> 5: 5 2001 #> 6: 6 2001 #> 7: 7 2001 #> 8: 8 2001 #> 9: 9 2001 #> 10: 10 2001 #> 11: 11 2001 #> 12: 12 2001