Display the result of network-based keyword clustering, with frequency information attached.
keyword_table(tibble_graph, top = 10)
A tbl_graph
output by keyword_group
How many keywords should be displayed in the table for each group. Default uses 10.If there is a tie,more than top keywords would be selected. To show all the keywords, use Inf.
A tibble with two columns, namely group and keywords with frequency attached. Different keywords are separated by semicolon(';').
bibli_data_table %>%
keyword_clean(id = "id",keyword = "keyword") %>%
keyword_group(id = "id",keyword = "keyword") %>%
#> # A tibble: 7 × 2
#> Group `Keywords (TOP 10)`
#> <int> <chr>
#> 1 1 academic libraries (133); library (19); metadata (15); collection manag…
#> 2 2 library services (26); librarians (22); library instruction (21); libra…
#> 3 3 libraries (47); open access (32); bibliometrics (31); library and infor…
#> 4 4 information literacy (58); public libraries (52); university libraries …
#> 5 5 public library (22); digital library (10); linked data (9); user studie…
#> 6 6 digital humanities (14); open science (10); information retrieval (7); …
#> 7 7 knowledge management (12); information needs (6); information technolog…